A peak into the mind of a boredom no one should have to bare.Inlisting the senses and aspirations of one hopless heartache and dwindling the mire spirit of what was once flesh and bone.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Theres a bathroom on the right?

please just shut up

please just shut the fuck up i would feel so much better if you would just leave me alone

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Good Ole Flobots

We need money for healthcare and public welfare
Free mumia and Leonard peltier
Human needs not corporate greed
Drop the debt and legalize weed
We say yes to grassroots organization
No to neoliberal globalization
Bring the troops back to the USA
And shut down guantanamo Bay
The same things over again
My throat's so sore from shoutin no war for the soldiers again
Lookin for cloud cover when the explosions begin
Lookin the crowd over wonder if you where we've been
We've been all over the globe Iran to Nicaragua
Guatamala Angola grenada
Dominican republic Haiti chile
It don't stop and it won't stop unless we keep say

Who let'em overthrow Jacobo Arbenz
Who let'em overthrow Mohammad Mosaddeq
Who let'em assassinate Salvador Allende
I didn't let them but they did it anyway
Who let'em overthrow Kwame Nkrumah
Who let'em overthrow Aristide
Who let'em assassinate Oscar Romero
I didn't let'em but they did indeed!

Don't let them assassinate Hugo Chavez
Don't let them assassinate Evo Morales
Bring back Martin, Malcolm, Medgar,
Hampton, Goodman, Schwerner, Chaney

I Like Music

Its the only time i feel like i don't have any problems

Go Go Gadget Dick

This song makes me laugh out loud every time i hear it

I don't know why this world keep turning
Round and Round
But I wish it would stop, and let me off right now

Yes man
As the World Turns
We all experience things in life
Trials and Tribulations
That we all must go through
When someone wants to test us
When someone tries our patience

I hang with a bunch of hippies
and wacky tobacco planters
Who swallow lit roaches
and light up like jack-o-lanterns
Outsiders baby, and we suing the courts
Cause we're dope as fuck and only get a 2 in the source
They never should've booted me out of reform school
Deformed fool,taking a shit in a warm pool
They threw me out the Ramada Inn
I said it wasn't me, I got a twin (Oh my god its you! Not again!)
It all started when my mother took my bike away
Cause I murdered my guinea pig and stuck him in the microwave
After that, It was straight to the 40 ouncers
Slappin teachers, and jacking off in front of my counselors
Class clown freshman, dressed like Les Nessman
Fuck the next lesson, I'll past the test guessing
And all the other kids said Eminem's a dishead,
He'll never last, the only class he'll pass is phys ed
May be true, till I told this bitch in gym class
That she was too fat to swim laps, she needed Slim Fast (Who Me?)
Yeah bitch you so big you walked into big Tanny's and stepped on Jenny Craig
She picked me up to snap me like a skinny twig
Put me in the headlock, then I thought of my guinea pig
I felt the evilness and started transforming (RARRRR!)
It began storming, I heard a bunch of cheering fans swarming
Grabbed that bitch by her hair
Drag her across the ground
And took her up to the highest diving board and tossed her down
Sorry coach, its too late to tell me stop
While I drop this bitch face down and watch her belly flop


As the World Turns
These are the days of our lives
These are the things that we must go through
Day by day

We drive around in million dollar sports cars
While little kids hide this tape from their parents like bad report cards
Outsiders, and we suing the courts
Cause we dope as fuck and only get a 2 in The Source
Hypochondriac, hanging out at the laundromat
Where all the raunchy fat white trashy blondes be at
Dressed like a sailor, standing by a pale of garbage
Its almost dark and I'm still tryna nail a trailor park bitch
I met a slut and said "What up, its nice to meet ya"
I'd like to treat ya to a Faygo and a slice of pizza
But I'm broke as fuck and I don't get paid till the first of next month
But if you care to join me, I was bout to roll this next blunt
But I ain't got no weed, no phillies, or no papers
Plus I'm a rapist and a repeated prison escapist
So gimme all your money
And don't try nothing funny
Cause you know your stinking ass is too fat to try to outrun me
I went to grab my gun
That's when her ass put it on me
Wit an uppercut and hit me with a basket of laundry
I fell through the glass doors
Started causing a scene
Then slid across the floor and flew right into a washing machine
Jumped up with a broken back
Thank god I was smoking crack all day
And doped up off coke and smack
All I wanted to do was rape the bitch and snatch her purse
Now I wanna kill her
But so I gotta catch her first
Ran through Rally's parkin lot and took a shortcut
Saw the house she ran up in
And shot her fucking porch up
Kicked the door down to murder this divorced slut
Looked around the room
That's when I seen the bedroom door shut
I know you're in there bitch! I got my gun cocked!
You might as well come out now
She said "Come in, its unlocked!"
I walked in and all I smelled was Liz Claiborne
And seen her spread across the bed naked watching gay porn
She said "Come her big boy, lets get acquainted"
I turned around to run, twisted my ankle and sprained it
She came at me at full speed, nothing could stop her
I shot her five times and every bullet bounced off her
I started to beg "No, please let go"
But she swallowed my fucking leg whole like an egg roll
With one leg left, now I'm hoppin around crippled
I grabbed my pocket knife and sliced off her right nipple
Just trying to buy me some time, then I remembered this magic trick
Den Den Den Den Den Den, Go go gadget dick!
Whipped that shit out, and ain't no doubt about it
It hit the ground and caused an earthquake and power outage
I shouted "Now bitch, lets see who gets the best!"
Stuffed that shit in crooked and fucked that fat slut to death (Ah!! Ah!)
Come here bitch!
Come here!
Take this motherfucking dick!
Bitch, come here!

[Chorus to fade]

And as we go along
Throughout the days of our lives
We all face small obstacles and challenges everyday
That we must go through
These are the things that surround us through our atmosphere
Every day
Every single day the world keeps turning

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Im ready for the Funeral

I dont think i belong anywhere,ever. I use to not care at all. I guess that came from youth,where apathy is more common.Unfortunatly in adulthood the apathy is far and few between.

(Verse 1)
My heart thump not from being nervous
Sometimes I'm thinking God made me special here on purpose
So all the while 'til I'm gone make my words important so
If I slip away, if I die today the last thing you remember won't
Be about some apple bottom jeans with the boots with the fur
Baby how I dream of being free since my birth
Cursed but the demons I confronted would disperse
Have you ever heard of some shit so real
Beyond from the heart, from the soul you can feel

And if I die before I wake, I pray the lord my soul to take
But please don't cry, just know that I have made these songs for you
And if I die before I wake I pray the lord my soul to take
'cuz I'm ready for a funeral

(Verse 2)
My mind runs I can never catch it even if I got a head start
God please tell me I am feeling so alone way
I don't need to worry 'cuz I know the world'll feel this nigga
Blessing in disguise but I am not hiding who I am open your eyes bro
If I ever met you, I appreciate the love yo
Girls that I dated, it's ok I am not mad yo
Unless you stabbed me in the heart, no love ho, this shit is so ill
Play it back from the top if you recognize real

(Chorus 2x)
And if I die before I wake, I pray the lord my soul to take
But please don't cry, just know that I have made these songs for you
And if I die before I wake, I pray the lord my soul to take
'cuz I'm ready for a funeral

'cuz I'm ready for a funeral (I'm ready for the funeral, I'm ready for the funeral)
My friend kid cudi he dont even know it

Wednesday, August 26, 2009



It's a cut out Rocky Dennis Mask

le vilain petit canard de Macao sur l'Hérault et le papé de Canet.

En cas d'épidémie de grippe A H1N1, vous pouvez vous munir de ce masque
pour vous en préserver.

Ce masque est compatible avec le port de lunettes correctrices.

A noter toutefois une recommandation importante : *préférer un masque
neuf* n'ayant jamais servi de préférence, son port en sera facilité et
n'entraînera aucune gêne au porteur que vous êtes.

C'étaient les conseils du jour de l'équipe EPI (Equipement de Protection Individuelle).

Travailler en sécurité, c'est préserver sa santé.

You know me i hate everyone

this is the first day of my last days
i built it up now i take it apart climbed up real high now fall down real far
no need for me to stay the last thing left i just threw it away
i put my faith in god and my trust in you
now there's nothing more fucked up i could do
wish there was something real wish there was something true
wish there was something real in this world full of you
i'm the one without a soul i'm the one with this big fucking hole
no new tale to tell twenty-six years on my way to hell
gotta listen to your big time hard line bad luck fist fuck
don't think you're having all the fun
you know me i hate everyone
wish there was something real wish there was something true
wish there was something real in this world full of you
i want to but i can't turn back
but i want to
Wish By Trent Reznor
I grew up to feel this way
Hard line Bad luck Fist fuck
Dont think your having all the fun.


I am convinced that no one but yours truely sees this crap that i type,bleed,and pour out on this blog.Once again i am left with myself to convince that i am making a differance in anybodys life other than my own.Or that i am living the path to rightousness. As always everything in my life is just as it seems,crap.I would like to say that i was mad at the outcome of this but im not.Who would care anyways? I am guilty of the same thing no one reads anymore i mean come on how much did you voluntary read this week? Yea i thought so.Maybe the movie Idiocracy is prophetic. I dont know,i do know i dont read enough and i am a sad strange little man.

All Alone

A wise man once said"Better to feel the piecre of a sword than the steady pain of hunger".Well i say a lonely man is a dead man. For what is a man if no other pays him no mind?Is it not a hunger of the heart to love or be loved?Does this starvation count as an emotional death of sorts?I think i am a poor candidate for this asumption as i am bias for bieng spoiled as a child.If some one is outthere will you let me know?
No you wont.

More Lyrics

How you figure in the scheme of things to be?
You thought you were Jesus
But you find out you're the anti-Christ
You were born so you get another chance
A chance to die and to get off this planet
You're in the thick of it all

You struggle?
Hope you laugh!
You thought you'd never know
You feel?
And that's the only thing you can depend on
I'll try praying if it'll move my friends
The dead are living in your blood, with a little poison
You're in the thick of it all

I fell again, still I'm so excited
Anyway don't you love surprises!
You get to keep your heart and that I know
I give mine time and it comes back to me
We're in the thick of it all (thick of it all)
Thick of it all By Perry Ferral

Why not be the hero

Yesterday morning I went

Out for a cup of coffee

I shaved

Then I combed my hair

A man who didn't know me

Said something to my back

I stopped to turn around and face it

That is why

I pack my .25

Where nobody knows

Right above my boot

It's the law

No one there to serve you

Why not be the hero?

Why not be your own?

Swear I'll kill you!

Swear that I'll kill you

The law-it's the law

Every man out on the street knows

Swear that I'll kill you

I dreamt all day yesterday

How I might make a man feel

With a gun up to his face

He'd show respect to me

"I don't care whet you're thinking

I'll wipe that thought away"

i had such a good reply to this post and why i posted it and what it meant to me.I lost it in a pee.i said it to myself while i went and lost it on the walk back.Thank you marijauna.

I think it was something about Consciences and the ability to shove a gun in someone's mouth and make them understand how they wronged you. Without Conscience it would feel like we would be invincible and unfeeling to the sorrow a murder would bring to the loved ones of the victim,or the consequences it would bring.I see all the time on first 48 the criminals "murderers" don't even realize that what they did was wrong until they are caught and are facing the consequences.Its not sick or wrong to want to kill someone that wronged you.Its human nature to seek revenge.Eye for an eye and such but the idea of murder is wrong on so many levels that it is hard to contemplate ,by the normal man such as i anyway.But oh would it be nice to posess the power it would bring to hold in your hand the fate of your enemy or any man for that matter.Im so glad that i am alone in thinking of being vengeful.Im sure that i was the only one in human history.You know it is nice to have a Conscience and morals.The ability to understand right from wrong and to know the value of a human life is far greater the any wrong doing.